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Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

ProBlogger - Latest Posts

ProBlogger - Latest Posts

New Blogger Jobs Available (and an Opportunity for those Looking for Bloggers)

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 07:54 PM PDT

Last week I tweeted a question asking my followers how many of them were currently looking for blogging work. The response was overwhelming - literally hundreds of responses within the next hour of people saying that they were in the market for a blogging job either as a full time thing or to supplement their current income.

While not hundreds of blogging jobs there have been quite a few good ones advertised on the Blogger Job Boards in the last week with four new ones in the last 24 hours.

If you’re on the lookout for a blogging job the best thing to do is to subscribe to the Job Board RSS feed and/or my Twitter account - both of which feature all new jobs on the boards.

Looking for a Blogger to Hire?

If you’re in the market to find a blogger to hire you’re in the lucky position to be hiring in a market where there is a lot of choice.

Among the thousands of people subscribed to the ProBlogger Job boards and the 40,000+ people who see them on my Twitter account there are some truly remarkable bloggers.

For just $50 you get the chance to put your job opportunity before them! Place Your Job Here.

Blog Tips (for Bloggers Who Have Been Around a While)

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 02:07 PM PDT

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been running a series of posts here on ProBlogger about how to grow a blog to the next level once it has moved past its launch phase.

If you missed some of the posts - here’s a full listing of them:

  1. Building Upon Your Strengths
  2. Converting First Time Readers to Loyal Readers
  3. Keeping Fresh Content Flowing
  4. Growing Traffic to the Next Level With Search Engine Optimization
  5. Building Community a sense of Community on Your Blog
  6. Shaping Your Brand
  7. Expanding Connecting Points With Readers
  8. Extending Your Blog Audience Beyond Your Current Network
  9. Making Money - Moving Beyond AdSense

I hope you enjoyed this recent series on a topic that many bloggers struggle with.

A number of readers have asked for some more ‘beginner’ level tips on how to launch a blog - for those wanting this I’d recommend checking out the Blogging Tips for Beginners Series that we previously ran with a whole lot of tips more focused upon the launch phase.

10 Ways to get Fit WHILE Blogging

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 07:01 AM PDT

I was recently chatting to Sahar from Fat Fighter TV about blogging and asked if she could come up with some ways for us bloggers (read that as ME) to keep fit. Sahar went beyond what I expected and came back with 10 exercises for us to do WHILE STILL BLOGGING!


As bloggers, we tend to do a lot of sitting as we write, Tweet, Stumble, etc. By the end of the day it’s easy to feel tense, sore and sedentary. But since this is just so unhealthy, I’ve come up with some things we can all do to help us get fit as we blog - exercises to get our heart rate up, help us tone up and de-stress. All at the comfort of our blogging desk… or close by.

1. Cyber Squats - Who says you have to sit when you’re online? Set your chair aside for a few minutes and instead do squats as you write your next blog post, comment, or when you cruise around the Web. I’m squatting as I write this post - ouch!

2. RSS Raises - As you’re sitting at your desk, straighten your knees and lift your legs out in front of you. Do this as you catch up on your favorite blogs on your RSS reader.

3. 10 Minute Move it! Break #1 - Alternate jogging in place with jumping jacks - do a minute of each and repeat 5 times.

4. Twitter Tummy Tone - Tighten your abs for 30 seconds and then release. Do this as you tweet.

5. Social Squeezes - Tighten your glutes for 30 seconds and then release. (Good thing noone can see you at this social, right?) Repeat as you Stumble, Digg, or Friend on Facebook.

6. 10 Minute Move it! Break #2 - Grab a step stool and climb up and down - get creative if you like and alternate knee lifts at the top of the step.

7. Inbox Incline - While you’re sitting with your feet on the floor, raise your heels so you are on the balls of your feet and lower them. make sure you can feel it in your calves. Do this as you read and reply to your emails.

8. 10 Minute Move it! Break #3 - Do walking lunges around the house. Want to make it more challenging? Add some weights and do bicep curls at the same time.

9. Blogger Breather - Grab a quick minute to just close your eyes and focus on your breath. Count to 10 as you slowly inhale through your nose, thinking positive thoughts. Exhale through your mouth, again counting to 10. This time release all the tension and stress out of your body. Repeat if you have a few more seconds.

10. Sign Off Stretches - Your neck and shoulders can get pretty tense when you sit at a computer too long. So loosen them up throughout the day with:

  • Shoulder shrugs - with your head at your chest, shrug your shoulders up and down.
  • Neck Rolls - relax your shoulders and let your head roll forward. Slowly rotate your head in a circle. Repeat five times.

Do these exercises throughout the day to avoid blogger booty! You’ll feel better which could help you blog better.

Anyone else have some blogger exercises to share?

Read more of Sahar’s work at  Fat Fighter TV.

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